Tourism Top 10 list
There are many ways to look at tourism. First is the normal tourist, the one that buys a package, has a guide and all routes and stays are planned out. Then there is the adventure tourist who, simply put, just goes. The third type of tourist is the kamikaze tourist; the one that goes to places just opened up to tourism without a plan, an itinerary, a hotel room for the night or any idea what lies ahead. We fit between the second and third categories. Of course there is also the suicide tourists that we became once or twice. The best example of this is one of the party just wanders off with no idea where the rest are going to be, or stay, or even have any money or way to get money-just loose in a foreign country where you don't speak the language or could be kidnapped or killed and no one would ever know what happened to you. So how would you describe the adventure/kamikaze tourist? The best way is through a Top Ten List: You know you're an Adventure Kamikaze tourist if:
#10. You go to former communist countries that are still trying to figure out tourism i.e. should we be nice to tourist or just steal from them?
#9 You take night trains to save money on lodging. You are woken up every 30 minutes to check you passport or ticket and the only word you understand is "American" said in an unflattering way. You also notice that in the bathroom of the train, words are translated into four languages, none of which are English.
#8 You discover that the best hostel you stayed in on the trip was actually a former prison.
#7. The most memorable museum you visited was the Terror/Torture museum that details out how the Nazis, and then the communists and perhaps the current regime dealt with its prisoners. This becomes all too relevant later.
#6 You learn that you must spend all the foreign currency in the country you are in because it is valueless in other countries. (Actually that was pretty cool and resulted in a lot of chocolate bars)
#5 You find that the best deals on rooms are actually from a guy who meets you at the railway station tugging on your arm. In fact, it is the only way to get a room (which just happens to be his house where you sleep in his bedroom
#4. You miss a train by 30 seconds, or was it 20 seconds #@$%?
#3. The rental car company gives away your VW Passat but then gives you an E class Mercedes, apologizing profusely for their error. It then costs $80.00 to fill up the rental car, perhaps explaining the apology.
#2. You are pulled off a tram by the secret police, who demand and then take your passport. They tear up your ticket and say that you didn't pay for the ride and demand $20.00 for a fine. The people on the tram come off with you to watch the spectacle and tell you not to pay (since no one but American tourist seem to be buying tickets). You're still not sure who pulled you off the train, scam artists or real police. When this happens again, you learn that if you speak Spanish they will let you go.
#1 When you visit the Iranian Foreign office in Sarajevo, you are told how courageous you are for visiting the city.
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